Yogi Govt Daily Wage Workers Coronavirus Bharan-Poshan Bhatta 2024 – उत्तर प्रदेश मजदूरी भत्ता योजना का उद्देश्य


The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a number of guidelines to deal with the epidemic, which primarily advise people to stay indoors. Because this virus spreads from one person to another through touch.

In order to prevent coronavirus infection, the government issued an order for maintenance allowance in light of the crisis in the daily lives of workers and workers with the announcement of the closure. Those who are selected will get 1000 rupees per month under this allowance.

Therefore, all people were asked to stay home. For this, every city is secured. So far, the number of coronavirus cases in India has risen to 650+ by March 25, 2020, and the death toll has risen to 10+. In light of this, each state government is developing various plans to assist its citizens.

[Complete Information] Pradhan Mantri Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana – आत्मनिर्भर स्वस्थ भारत योजना

Workers Daily Wages Coronavirus Bharan-Poshan Bhatta by Yogi Govt

CM Yogi Adityanath announced one day before to pay a maintenance allowance of Rs 1,000 in daily wages and workers affected by the livelihood crisis due to coronavirus infection. It has announced that 20 kilograms of wheat and 15 kilograms of rice will be provided free of charge to PDS stores for about 65 million crowns, 31,000 needy people, including construction workers and daily workers registered with Antyodaya, MNREGA, and the Ministry of Labor. It will cost 94.50 crore rupees.

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Old age, people with disabilities, and indigent widows receive alimony pensions on a quarterly basis. They were ordered to grant a two-month advance pension in April. A detailed mandate has been issued in this regard by the additional Secretary-General of the Financial Secretary.

It is clearly stated that the Ministry of Labor will take measures to provide a dependency allowance for workers registered with the Ministry of Labor from the labor budget. Apart from that, the maintenance allowance will be provided to other workers from the budget available for revenue management. The district judge will ensure that full measures are taken.

Target of UP Coronavirus Bharan-Poshan Bhatta Yojana

The new COVID-19 (CV-2) coronary disease faces many problems across the country. In such a case, those people work hard and take care of their families. Difficult for them to find this time. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also appealed to all citizens to care for those people who come around and in their homes.

Who will benefit from Bharan-Poshan Bhatta Yojana coronavirus

Under this scheme, 15 lakh workers a day and 20 lakh construction workers will be given a lakh of 1,000 rupees a day from the government of Uttar Pradesh. So he can easily spread his life. They will be given this allowance as long as the city is under lock due to coronavirus.

The process of applying a scheme instead of a coronavirus

This step taken by the government of Uttar Pradesh in such circumstances is commendable. Yogi ordered the transfer of the amount in the registered bank account of all registered MNREGA and other workers to begin immediately. To take advantage of this feature, no operator is required to apply, the amount will come directly to the bank through Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT).

The central government has given all states the necessary instructions in order to take care of their citizens. Besides, an appeal is also made to the public to implement the instructions that the government will send. It is very important to stop this disease here at this point. Since the form of this disease can be very frightening after that, it will be very difficult to stop it.

Here we have provided all the information about the “Coronavirus Bharan-Poshan Bhatta“. If you like this, you should definitely share it with people you know.

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