Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana Haryana – मुख्यमंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना

haryana mukhyamantri bagwani bima yojana 2024, | मुख्यमंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना 2024 | मेरी फसल, मेरा ब्योरा समृद्ध किसान | mukhymantri bagwani bima yojana ke tahat kitni faslon ko shamil kiya gaya hai


Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana HaryanaDear readers, as you all know that the government is trying to double the income of farmers. The government has set a target of doubling the income of the farmers by 2024. For this, the government keeps initiating various schemes so that the farmers can have every facility and they do not have to face any problems. One of these schemes was initiated by the Chief Minister of Haryana, Mr. Manohar Lal Khattar. Whose name is the Haryana Chief Minister of Horticulture Insurance Scheme? This scheme was launched on September 22, 2021. The government has given Rs 10 crore for the scheme. Through this scheme, if the horticultural crop of a farmer is destroyed due to natural disasters, insurance coverage will be provided for them. If you also wish to apply for the scheme, you should apply for it by visiting the official website of the scheme at

We will tell you all the information related to the scheme like how to apply for Haryana Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana, मुख्यमंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना, highlights, benefits, eligibility, documents required, helpline number, faqs, etc. If you want to know more information related to the scheme, then you have to read the article we have provided.

Mukhyamantri Parivar Samridhi Yojana Haryana 2024 – हरियाणा परिवार समृद्धि योजना

Haryana Mukhyamantri Bhagwani Bima Yojana Details

हरियाणा मुख्यमंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना के बारे में – The horticultural Department division deals with the production and maintenance of fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, mushrooms, medicinal and aromatic plants. The cultivation of horticultural crops is a highly specialized, technical, and income-generating enterprise compared to the traditional crops grown by farmers. Apart from this, the majority of horticultural crops, being perishable, require systematic planning for their development. Horticultural development has gained more importance in recent years since this sector has been identified as profitable for diversifying land use providing increased job opportunities and better yield per unit area as well as filling nutritional gaps.

Farmers in Haryana have also started to take up horticultural crops as a separate viable economic activity. To give impetus to the growth of horticulture in the state, the Government of Haryana established a separate Department of Horticulture in 1990-91, which was previously part of the Department of Agriculture, Haryana.


Vision and goals:-

Bearing in mind the emerging challenges in the field of horticulture and providing food security to the masses, the department has set the following objectives:

  • Diversification from farming to horticulture.
  • Doubling of horticultural production in the eleventh.

Five Year Plan

  • Optimal use of essential natural resources.
  • Achieving convergence and synergy between stakeholders.
  • Improving the yield, yield, and quality of horticultural products.
  • An increase in the economic situation and thus an increase in income per unit.
  • Dissemination of the latest technologies in the field of farmers.
  • Food security for people.
  • Create export potential and earn foreign exchange.

Highlights of Haryana Mukhyamantri Bhagwani Bima Yojana

State NameHaryana
SchemeMukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana Haryana
मुख्यमंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना
ThroughChief Minister Mr. Manohar Lal Khattar
Profit-TakersFarmers of the state
ObjectiveProviding insurance cover to farmers in case their crops are destroyed due to natural calamity.
CategoryState government scheme
Registration processOnline Mode

Purpose of Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana

The scheme aims to provide an amount of insurance coverage to compensate for the loss of crops due to disasters in the state. So that farmers do not have to face any problems or problems. As you know the crops of the horticultural farmers are damaged by rains, storms, and droughts many times in the state, forcing the farmers to incur heavy losses, and in such a case the government decided to save money for them. Help through the scheme. I tried. Insurance cover assistance will be provided to farmers for crop losses.

In Hindi – बागवानी विभाग फलों, सब्जियों, फूलों, मसालों, मशरूम, औषधीय और सुगंधित पौधों के उत्पादन और रखरखाव से संबंधित है। किसानों द्वारा उगाई जाने वाली पारंपरिक फसलों की तुलना में बागवानी फसलों की खेती एक अत्यधिक विशिष्ट, तकनीकी और आय पैदा करने वाला उद्यम है। इसके अलावा, अधिकांश बागवानी फसलों, प्रकृति में खराब होने के कारण, उनके विकास के लिए व्यवस्थित योजना की आवश्यकता होती है। हाल के वर्षों में बागवानी विकास को और अधिक महत्व मिला है क्योंकि इस क्षेत्र को भूमि उपयोग में विविधता लाने के लिए लाभकारी माना गया है जिससे रोजगार के अवसर बढ़ रहे हैं और प्रति इकाई क्षेत्र में बेहतर उपज के साथ पोषण संबंधी कमियों को कम किया जा सके। भी पूरा किया जा सकता है। हरियाणा में किसानों ने भी बागवानी फसलों को एक अलग व्यवहार्य आर्थिक गतिविधि के रूप में लेना शुरू कर दिया है। राज्य में बागवानी के विकास में तेजी लाने के उद्देश्य से हरियाणा सरकार ने 1990-91 में एक अलग बागवानी विभाग की स्थापना की, जो पहले कृषि विभाग, हरियाणा का एक हिस्सा था।

Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana: एमबीबीवाई (MBBY) के तहत, हरियाणा के किसानों को बागवानी के नुकसान के लिए 40,000 रुपये मिलेंगे। हरियाणा सरकार ने ‘मुख्यमंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना‘ के तहत बागवानी फसल उगाने वाले किसानों को सुरक्षा प्रदान करने का निर्णय लिया है।

यह योजना किसान नागरिकों को लाभ प्रदान करने के लिए बनाई गई है। सब्जियों, फलों और मसालों की खेती करने वाले किसान इस योजना के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। आज हम आपको योजना से संबंधित जानकारी के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जैसे: हरियाणा मुख्यमंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना क्या है, हरियाणा मुख्यमंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना ऑनलाइन कैसे लागू करें, योजना के लिए पात्रता, आवश्यक दस्तावेज, लाभ और विशेषताएं आदि

Strengths, opportunities, and Initiatives in Haryana


  • A favorable climate for the production of high-quality fruits and vegetables.
  • Good exclusive soil for fruits and vegetables with high yield potential.
  • Proximity to major markets like Delhi and the third city of Chandigarh.


  • The proximity to NCR provides excellent marketing channels.
  • Scoop to create processing industries in fruits (mango, citrus, strawberry) and Vegetables (peas, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, garlic, onions).
  • Exporting mangoes, citrus fruits, and vegetables to the Far East.
  • APMC Amendment Act, Contract Farming Opportunities.
  • Favorable industrial climate.


  • Expenses have increased more than 200 times in the past five years. In the year 2004-05, expenditure on horticulture was Rs 80 lakhs which increased to Rs. 16,573 lakhs in 2009-10.
  • Launching new schemes for the National Mission for Horticulture and Precision Irrigation and the National Mission for Medicinal Plants. The main activities initiated under the mission of National Horticulture are the expansion of the area under the fruit, flowers, and spices, the creation of water resources – communal reservoirs, post-harvest management, and marketing infrastructure.
  • Develop the best integration model in India by integrating components of community tanks, orchard farms, micro-irrigation, and simulation by other States.
  • Combined efforts on water-saving technologies and increased assistance in support of the micro-irrigation scheme (drip and sprinkler irrigation) from 50% to 90%. To date, an area of ​​8,231 hectares was covered from 2008-2009.
  • Huge drive for post-harvest management and marketing of fruits and vegetables and got projects approved to the tune of Rs 67 crore and Rs 170 crore in 2006-07 and 2009-10. The facilities created are assembly centers, packing houses, grading units, and wholesale markets.
  • At the Horticultural Training Institute, Karnal has started three new courses one-year diploma, six-month and three-month courses in horticulture.
  • with government approval. Haryana, Govt. of Israel two projects named Center of Excellence for Fruits and Center of Excellence for Vegetables were started in Sirsa and Karnal respectively. In these centers, all new technologies with Israeli experience will be displayed.
  • Entering the field of biotechnology, especially the production of micro-tubers in potatoes, and the introduction of new varieties through tissue culture techniques.

Covered Crops Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana

We will tell you the information about all the vegetables, fruits, and spices that are included in the scheme. The crops in question are as follows:

Meri Fasal Mera Byora – My crop, my detail

  • Farmers registration, crop registration, field details, and crop details.
  • A unique effort to provide all government facilities and problem-solving in one place for farmers.
  • Providing information related to agriculture promptly.
  • To provide support for food, seeds, loans, and farm equipment on time.
  • Providing information related to the time of sowing, harvesting, and the market of the crop.
  • Provide timely assistance during natural disasters.

Benefits and Features of the Chief Minister Horticulture Insurance Scheme

To know the advantages and features of the scheme, read the specific points in full.

  • The amount received from Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana will be sent to the bank account of the applicant, for this the applicant must have his bank account, which is mandatory to be linked to the Aadhar card.
  • The government has allocated a budget of Rs 10 crore for this scheme.
  • You can apply to the portal online mode through your mobile phone and computer.
  • The benefit of the Horticulture or gardening insurance scheme will be available only to citizens whose crops have been destroyed by natural disasters.
  • Under the scheme, the government will cover a total of 21 crops of vegetables, fruits, and spices.
  • In the survey, the crops will be divided into 4 categories which will be 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.
  • The government will provide insurance coverage of Rs 30,000 per acre and Rs 40,000 per acre to farmers in case of crop failure.
  • The citizen farmer will have to pay Rs 750 for vegetables and spices and Rs 1,000 for fruits.

Required Documents for the scheme

We will tell you the information about the documents required in the scheme. If you want to know the information, read the table we provided.

  • Aadhar card
  • Proof of primary address
  • Registered mobile phone number
  • Passport size photo
  • Income certificate
  • Crop details
  • Voter ID card
  • Driving License
  • Bank account book

How to Apply Haryana Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana Online?

हरियाणा मुख्यमंत्री बगवानी बीमा योजना ऑनलाइन आवेदन कैसे करें? – If farmers in the state want to apply for the scheme, we’ll tell you about the process for applying for the scheme. Follow the steps we have provided for the application process.

  • The applicant must first visit the official website of the Bagwani Bima Yojana scheme –
  • After that, the home page of the site will open in front of you.

Pashu Kisan Credit Card Yojana Haryana 2024: Benefits, Documents, Application Forms

  • On the main page, you have to click on the given option to apply online
  • After clicking, a new page will open in front of you.
  • On the new page, you must fill in the required information.
  • Next, the required documents must be uploaded in the form.
  • After filling in all the information, you have to click on the Submit button.
  • Then clicking on your application process will be completed.

Online Registration Process Under Horticulture Scheme

बागवानी योजना के तहत ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया

  • Click on “Farmer Registration” for new registration.
  • Click on the Registration Form to go to the Personal Details page, then select your item and click on Update.
  • Then go to the planning board select the plan and click on the material you have selected.
  • After clicking on applying, fill in your details in the form update the documents, and save the documents by updating them.

Registration process for the already registered farmer

  • The farmer who is already registered goes directly to the scheme board and directly selects the scheme and selects the item.
  • After clicking on applying, fill in your details in the form and update and save the documents.

बागवानी योजना पोर्टल

बागवानी में अनुदान व अन्य सेवाओं हेतु यहां क्लिक करें

शहद बिक्री करने हेतु पंजीकरण आवेदन पत्र ।Click Here


  1. Registration Form
  2. Honey Trade Centre (HTC) Operational Norms and Guidelines(English)
  3. Honey Trade Centre (HTC) Operational Norms and Guidelines(Hindi)


1Establishment – Preferences selection
2Job Portal
3Applications (0821) for the Post of DDH(Stat) and Marketing Intelligence Officer on a contract basis Click here to apply
4Applications are invited for the contractual engagement for the post of Development team leader/ System analyst – 1 post, senior software Developer – 1 Click here for complete notification  Click here to apply

Bhagwani Bima Yojana Scheme Helpline Number

If the applicant has to get any kind of complaint or any information, he can find out the solution to his problem by calling the given number.

  • Ph No. :- 0172-2582322
  • EPBAX No. :- 0172-2582589,2582590
  • Fax No. :- 0172-2582595
  • E-mail:- horticulture[at]hry[dot]nic[dot]in, hortharyana[at]gmail[dot]com

Toll-Free Number

  • 1800 180 2117
  • 1800 180 2060

Important Links

Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)
एकीकृत बागवानी विकास मिशन
Click Here
Protected Structure Portal (3 जिलों में – रेवाड़ी, फरीदाबाद, कैथल)
संरक्षित सरंचना पोर्टल
Click Here
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
प्रधान मंत्री कृषि सिंचाई योजना
Click Here
Meri Fasal Mera Byora (MFMB)
मेरी फसल मेरा ब्योरा
Click Here
Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojana (BBY)
भावांतर भरपाई योजना
Click Here
Mukhya Mantri Bagwani Bima Yojana (MBBY)
मुख्यामंत्री बागवानी बीमा योजना
Horticulture Training & Travel (HTT)
बागवानी प्रशिक्षण एवं भ्रमण
Click Here
Small Farmer Agri-Business Consortium Haryana (SFACH)
लघु कृषक कृषि-व्यापार संघ हरियाणा
Click Here
Haryana State Government Schemes
हरियाणा राज्य सरकार की योजनाएं
Click Here
Farmer Producer Organisation Formation (FPO)
किसान उत्पादक संगठन निर्माण
Click Here
Crop Cluster Development Programme (CCDP)
पैक हाउस – सप्लाई चैन फसल समूह विकास कार्यक्रम
Click Here
Horticulture Technical Information
बागवानी तकनीकी जानकारी
Click Here
Integrated Pest Management
एकीकृत कीट प्रबंधन
Click Here
Fruit & Vegetable Plant Booking
फल व सब्ज़ी पौध बुकिंग
Click Here
Fruit Nursery License
फल नर्सरी लाइसेंस
Click Here
Vegetable Seed License
सब्जी बीज लाइसेंस
Click Here

Questions/Answers Related to Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana

What is Haryana Mukhyamantri Bhagwani Bima Yojana?

The Haryana government started the Haryana Chief Minister Bhagwani Bima Yojana. Through this scheme, if the horticultural crop of a farmer is destroyed due to natural disasters, insurance coverage will be provided for them.

What will be the full form of MBBY?

The full form of MBBY is Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana.

What will be the official site for the Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana application?

The official website of Mukhya Mantri Bagwani Bima Yojana App is Applicants can apply for the scheme by visiting the online portal.

Who are the citizens of the state who can apply for Mukhya Mantri Bagwani Bima Yojana?

Farmers in the state can apply for the Premier Horticultural Insurance Scheme. Only horticultural farmers whose crops have been destroyed by natural disasters will be able to reap the benefit.

Can farmers who are citizens of other states apply for this scheme?

No, citizen farmers in other states cannot apply for the scheme and only farmers residing in Haryana will be able to apply for the scheme.

What are the documents required for Haryana Bhagwani Bima Yojana?

We told you the information about the documents required for the scheme in our article. If you want to know the information, you read the article.

How many crops does the Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana cover?

Under the scheme, 20 crops of which 14 vegetables, 4 fruits, and 2 spices were included.

What is the MBBY scheme helpline number?

The helpline number for Mukhyamantri Bagwani Bima Yojana is 1800-2000-023.

Read More:

हरियाणा किसान पेंशन योजना ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म Haryana Kisan Pension Scheme in Hindi
Haryana Matritva Labh Yojana: Online Application PDF Form | मातृत्व लाभ योजना हरियाणा

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