[Application Form] Pradhan Mantri Kamdhenu Yojana 2024: Eligibility, How to Apply

National Kamdhenu Scheme 2024 | Pradhan Mantri Kamdhenu Yojana Online Form pdf 2024 | Pradhan Mantri Kamdhenu Yojana in Hindi | Kamdhenu Dairy Yojana Form | Rashtriya Kamadhenu Yojana application | PM kamdhenu yojana loan scheme | Pradhan Mantri kamdhenu farm dairy loan | Kamdhenu Matasya Palak Yojana Form

The central government submitted the last budget for its term. The good thing is that the central government will start Kamdhenu Yojana for the welfare of cows. In his interim budget, Finance Minister Piyush Goyal said that our government will never back away from Gomata, in the budget it was said that everything necessary to honor and protect the cow would be done.

The importance of the desi cow and its products and their contribution to the national economy is well known. Cow dung and urine can also prove to be an invaluable resource for plowing and transporting fields, apart from providing a healthy and nutritious diet containing all the elements needed for a balanced diet in the form of milk and milk products.

For organic fertilizers as well as medicines to treat many diseases. Dung is also burned as fuel and used in biogas plants in rural areas as an alternative source of energy for electricity and cooking. The slurry coming out of biogas plants can also be used as fertilizer, as it is a rich source of nitrogen. One of the wonderful medicines used in Ayurveda as a cure for many diseases is ‘Panchagavya’ which consists of five products which are cow’s milk, ghee, curd, urine, and cow dung.

[mnre.gov.in] PM Varun Mitra Scheme 2024: Eligibility, Online Registration Form

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More details – https://gopalan.rajasthan.gov.in/pages/department-order/147

Pradhan Mantri Kamdhenu Yojana Detaails

The government will provide credit cards to farmers participating in this scheme. With the help of this, a sum of Rs 500 will be allocated each month to cattle farmers. The government launched the Pradhan Mantri Kamdhenu Yojana to promote animal husbandry and fisheries development. Now any farmer willing to raise animals and fish will be provided to facilitate a loan. 2% will be deducted from the loan interest charged this way.

Also, to save farmers from loss due to any natural disaster, an additional 3% discount on interest will be provided. Thus, under the “Rashtriya Kamadhenu Yojana”, the farmer will receive a total discount of 5 percent.

Benefits of Rashtriya Kamdhenu Planner Pradhan Mantri Kamdhenu Yojana

  • The Kamdhenu National Cow Committee will be formed.
  • About Rs, 750 crores will be spent on the project.
  • Under this scheme, a discount of 2 to 5 percent will be granted to livestock and hunters.
  • Animal growers will earn 500 rupees per month through the Kisan credit Scheme.

Krishi Udaan Scheme 2023: Benefits, Registration Process, Online Application

  • Under PM kamdhenu yojana, natural disaster farmers will get an additional 3% discount on the interest rate with a 2% discount.
  • This scheme will encourage many of the unemployed to adopt animal husbandry and fisheries.
  • As a result, the condition of the cows improves.

Beneficiaries and eligible for the Pradhan Mantri Kamadhenu Scheme

  • Cow breeders will be eligible.
  • Otherwise, farmers will also receive animal husbandry
  • Fishermen will also be able to place orders.
  • Farmers suffering from natural disasters will also benefit from kamdhenu Yojana

Total Registered Gaushala/Nandishala/Kanjihouse in Rajasthan

राजस्थान में कुल पंजीकृत गौशाला/नंदीशाला/कांजीहाउस

Serial NoDivisionTotal Gaushala/Nandishala/KanjihouseLarge Gauvansh (Age >= 3)Small Gauvansh (Age < 3)Total Govansh
1Division Ajmer83119584846917242765
2Division Bharatpur6818144434022484
3Division Bikaner81025589069573325463
4Division Jaipur62611731429815147129
5Division Jodhpur103633250191325423826
6Division Kota14932264876041024
7Division Udaipur11618990644525435

Pradhan Mantri Kamdhenu Yojana Application 2024

If you wish to apply for this scheme, you must obtain its application form. The information is as follows.

  • If you want to get the Kamadhenu scheme Request Form, click below on the link.
  • From here you will get the application form.
  • Now fill out all the required information on the form.
  • After that, all the required documents are attached to the application form and submitted to the competent department.

Download PDF: Click Here

Contact Us

Sr. No.DesignationPhonePhone
1Sh. Krishna Kunal (I.A.S.)0141 – 2227194
2Sh. Madhusudan Dadhich23525
Senior Deputy Secretary
3Sh. Chand Mal Verma (R.A.S.)0141 – 2740819 
क्रम सं.नाम अधिकारी/कर्मचारीपददुरभाष/मोबाईल नं.
1डॉ. लाल सिंहअति0 निदेशक9214028750
2श्री धनसिंह मीणामुख्य लेखाधिकारी9414781797
3डॉ मनोज कुमारसंयुक्त निदेशक(पंजीयन/निधि)9828495104
4डाॅ. तपेश माथुरसंयुक्त निदेशक(प्लान)9414262637
5डॉ कौशल कुमार वर्मा संयुक्त निदेशक(मूल्य संवर्धन)9414207430
6डॉ सुनील जैनउपनिदेशक8302437820
7डाॅ.देवेन्द्र जुनेजावरिष्‍ठ पशु चिकित्‍सा अधिकारी9413966682
8डाॅ. मुकेश गोयलवरिष्‍ठ पशु चिकित्‍सा अधिकारी9414321610
9डॉ प्रवीण कुमार कौशिकवरिष्‍ठ पशु चिकित्‍सा अधिकारी9460903538
10डॉ मुकुल मित्तलपशु चिकित्‍सा अधिकारी9414974297
11डॉ आरती श्रीवास्तवपशु चिकित्सा अधिकारी9983093220
12श्री चन्दनमल पालीवालसहा. लेखाधिकारी ग्रेड I0141-2740613
13 सहा. लेखाधिकारी ग्रेड II0141-2740613
14श्रीमती वन्दना शर्मापशुधन सहायक0141-2740613
15श्री रमेश चन्द्र बुनकरसहायक प्रशासनिक अधिकारी 
16 लिपिक ग्रेड I 
17श्री प्रवीण कुमार लुगरियासहायक प्रोग्रामर0141-2740613
18श्रीमती सुनीता वर्मासांख्यिकी निरीक्षक0141-2740613
19श्री मनोज कुमार मीणा      कनिष्‍ठ लेखाकार0141-2740613
20श्रीमति ज्योतिकनिष्‍ठ लेखाकार0141-2740819
21श्री नवीन कुमारलिपिक ग्रेड II9887878131

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[desw.gov.in] PM Scholarship Scheme 2024: Benefits, Online Application, Selection Process

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