[Payslip] PRI Paymanager Rajasthan Employee Salary Slip: How to Login and Download Salary Slip

Paymanager/Pripaymanager, Rajasthan is a payment receipt preparation system designed for all Rajasthan government employees. Designed to show all the details regarding the payment of people working under the government. This platform allows a popular, non-discriminatory way to make transactions transparent.

Before providing information on how to work on Paymanager / Pripaymanager let me tell you that Pay Manager is a payroll billing system for Rajasthan government employees. Provides a common, integrated platform for billing state government employees’ payroll only. This program provides the ability to prepare invoice payments as well as DA arrears, bonuses, arrears, and vacation disbursement bills.

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Post of Contents

What is Pay Manager Rajasthan? – Pri Paymanager Or Paymanager PRI क्या है?

Paymanager/Pripaymanager is a website created by the Rajasthan government. All government employees in Rajasthan can take out all information regarding their salary from this website. Apart from this, all government employees working in Rajasthan are also paid here.

Paymanager (Pripaymanager) is a payment invoice preparation system which means for Rajasthan government employees. It provides a common and integrated platform for billing payments to employees. The Software(program) not only provides the facilities for billing of payments but also the preparation of overdue DA invoices, bonuses, arrears, and vacation disbursements.

About PayManager (पे-मैनेजर) Rajasthan -: This software provides many different services to employees such as:

  • Invoice preparation
  • Prepare DA matrices
  • Bonus information
  • Outstanding information
  • Information on exchange vouchers
  • Personal detail information
  • Income tax information
  • Detailed information about the GA 55 employee

What is Required Before Login to PayManager / PriPaymanager?

For how to work on PayManager (पे-मैनेजर) / Pripaymanager (Paymanager/Pripaymanager पर काम कैसे करे), it is most important that you login to Paymanger / pripaymanager. But before login, you will need the following things: –

  • Official ID
  • Concept / Checker Concept
  • DDO Username & Password (Initially NIC provides the pay manager-employee login ID & पे-मैनेजर employee login password of all employees.)
  • Budget header
  • Good Quality Network Connection
  • Internet Browser
  • If old data, then the first time is required. The size of the old data should not exceed 15MB.

About Rajasthan Pay Manager/Pre Pay Manager?

PayManager PRI is another platform that works similarly to PayManager. It fulfills the Panchayati Raj Employees Payslip Requirement of Panchayati Raj under the Rajasthan Government.

To get fair employee payroll bills/employee wage bills, all workers are required to enroll themselves in this software under the Panchayati Raj System.

Details of Employee Payments (add/remove employee assignments and deductions): –

Employee payment details can be added/removed on Paymanager / Pripaymanager. You must follow the following steps –

  • If there is something that could be added or an improvement in the payment details of any employee, this can be done by going to the “Employee Payment Details” option in the “Billing Processing” menu.
  • To modify assignments and discounts in bulk in any group, you can use the “Add Assignment and Group Deductions” option on the Invoice Processing tab.
  • There are several options available for salary suspensions, partial payments, and personal deductions and deductions.
  • Discounts can be added using quantity, formulas, and slab.

Allocation of invoice numbers for invoices:

You can use the “Set Invoice” option in the “Invoice Processing” menu to create an invoice and assign an invoice number. This option provides two methods, manually and automatically, to determine the invoice number. An auto option that automatically assigns the challan number according to the specified range.

Monthly Salary Process

To process the monthly payment, use the “Process Monthly Salary” option in the “Invoice Processing” menu. All invoices for a given month are available for processing here.
After the challan is prepared, the challan maker should send it to the rectifier / DDO.

Process the Report

Here all necessary reports for Treasury / DDO are available.


Forward / Reverse Invoices/Billing

  • To forward/reverse any invoice, the “Invoice forwarding” or “Reverse invoice” option is used in the “Authorization” menu. Then, the authorized DDO will send the bills to the DDO Treasury.
  • If any type of objection is called by DDO in the invoices, it will be sent back to the invoice creator with the objection.
  • The contested invoices will also be sent in cash to the DDOs and can be returned to the manufacturer with the objection.

Use Employee Corner

An employee who uses his personal identity can use the “Employee Corner” to display the following: –

  • Personal Data
  • Payroll
  • GA 55
  • Income tax
  • Figure 16

What is the difference between paymanager.rajasthan.gov.in and Paymanager2.raj.nic.in?

A portal set up by Rajasthan Government Finance Department as Pay manager to deal with issues related to government employee salaries. This web portal mainly consists of two web pages. One webpage https://paymanager.rajasthan.gov.in/ is for administration only and another webpage http://paymanager2.raj.nic.in is for each government employee. Apart from this, there is not much difference between the two web pages.

If you go to www.paymanager.rajasthan.gov.in and want to log in as an employee from there. Then there too you’ll get an option for DDO / Employee Login, which directs you to the webpage containing http://paymanager2.raj.nic.in. To enter another webpage, you must enter the employee ID and password. Apart from this, there is not much difference between the two web pages.

Login Type for Rajasthan Pay Manager / Paymanager / Pripaymanager

Rajasthan PayManager Login Types -: When an employee visits the PayManager portal, 3 login options are displayed. After clicking on the employee login option, the employee is required to enter the username and password.

  • To work on Paymanager / Pripaymanager, we will first need to log into Pay manager.
  • That we must first go to the link https://paymanager2.raj.nic.in/.
  • Once you click on this link. The interface will appear in front of you according to the image shown below.
  • But if you go to https://paymanager.raj.nic.in/, you will see the interface displayed at the bottom of the webpage.
  • Where you are directly redirected to the above site by clicking “To DDO / Employee Login“.

The employee will also have to choose his department from among the other five options to access his account. There are five options:

  • DDO
  • Staff
  • Digital
  • The department
  • Deputy DDO

How to Transfer MDB data? / MDB डेटा ट्रांसफर कैसे करें?

Microsoft Access Database or MDB Data Transfer via Pay Manager Rajasthan –: It is a file extension for the Microsoft Access database or MDB database structures. To successfully update the server with prepaid offline payments, employees must first transfer their MDB data to the PayManager server.

Doing this, also ensures that all previous payroll slips are counted in the system. For the transfer process, the following steps can be easily followed:

  • From Paybill MDB Website – Select Bill Pay and upload MDB.
  • After selecting the DDO that appears on the screen, click on the Data Transfer tab to transfer the data to the server database.
  • Update the assignment ID then updates the discount ID according to the standard opponent master.
  • Update the bank code according to the main standard of the bank.
  • Assignment update according to standard mail owner.
  • After confirming the above steps, transfer the data to the online payment invoice database.

How Do You Know the Password for Rajasthan Pay Manager? / राजस्थान वेतन प्रबंधक का पासवर्ड कैसे पता करें?

Know Rajasthan PayManager Password -: To log into Rajasthan Pay-Manager, a username and password are required. The username is the employee ID number. The first password entered must contain two things:

  • The last four digits of the bank salary account.
  • Date of birth in DDMMYYYY format.
  • When logging in for the first time, an employee should change their password to make something more secure.

How to Create a New Payment Manager Password in Rajasthan? / नया राजस्थान वेतन प्रबंधक पासवर्ड कैसे बनायें?

Create a new password to log in to Rajasthan Paymanager/Pripaymanager-: After logging into the PayManager account for the first time, the system will ask the user to change the previously assigned password to something safe.


To change the password, the user must first log in with the default password. On the main screen, tap on the System Administrator option to change your password. The following rules must be observed while changing the password:

  • The password must begin with a capital letter.
  • It must contain at least one lowercase letter.
  • The password must contain at least one number.
  • The password must contain at least one special character, such as # @%, etc.

After creating a new password, the user must confirm it again by typing it in and entering the code correctly. Finally, the employee must log in again with the new password.

How to Prepare a Rajasthan Payroll Manager Paymanager/Pripaymanager Salary Slip? / राजस्थान वेतन प्रबंधक वेतन पर्ची कैसे तैयार करें?

Procedure for preparing Rajasthan Pay Manager Salary Slips online -: To receive payment from PayManager, the user has to log in to his account through the official website – paymanager2.raj.nic.in or pripaymanager.rajasthan.gov.in.


In the left corner of the screen, there is an option called Employee Corner. For users who open this website on their mobile phones, they have to long-press the option and then click on the required month coupon. They can then download the opening batch(payment).

How to Download the App for PayManager Employee Details? – Apps on Google Play

  • First of all, you should go to the app download linkhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paymanger.EmployeeApp&hl=en_IN&gl=US.
  • Now the Play Store page will open.
  • You should find the installation link and click on it.
  • Now you must fill out the online process by registering in this app.
  • After completing the online App process, you will continue to receive information related to any update.

Important Links

Paymanager PRIClick Here
Paymanager | Reset Password Request FormClick Here
For DDO/Employee LoginClick Here
Important Message For Pay manager UsersClick Here
Salary Bill ProcessClick Here
Salary Arrear Bill ProcessClick Here
Bonus Bill Process – PayManagerClick Here
DA Bill Process – PayManagerClick Here
RajKosh Official WebsiteClick Here
Integrated Financial Management SystemClick Here
Surrender(15 Days) Bill Process – PayManagerClick Here
BankCreateUser – PayManagerClick Here
iHRMS- Integrated Human Resource Management SystemClick Here
HOD Registration – PayManagerClick Here
Pri-PayManager(IFMS-CIRCULAR)Click Here
Works Account Monitoring SystemClick Here

For any assistance please call 0141-5111010 || 0141-5111007 and mail at paymanagerrj@gmail.com

Frequently Asked Questions on Pay Manager / Paymanager/Pripaymanager

Rajasthan Pay Manager FAQs –: Here are frequently asked questions for employees regarding Rajasthan Payroll Manager Salary Slip:

What are the requirements to access a Rajasthan PayManager account?

To access your Pay Manager/Pripaymanager account, the employee is provided with the office ID, DDO, username, password provided by the NIC, budget address, a legacy database for the first time, an internet connection, and a tool to access it.

What services are provided by Rajasthan Payroll Personnel Department?

Personal information like personal data, payroll, GA 55, income tax, use of Form 16, etc. is provided in the employee department.

What is the use of Bulk permission?

If there is more than one group in Pay Manager/Pripaymanager and everyone must have the same exemption, you can use this option.

What is the use of Bulk Deductions?

If there is more than one group of employees in the wage manager and everyone’s salary will be deducted equally, the bulk discount is beneficial.

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