Rajasthan State Government announced Sundar Singh Bhandari Swarojgar Yojana / सुंदर सिंह भंडारी स्वरोजगार योजना for Economically Backward Classes. Later, the govt. will make loans amounting to Rs. 50,000 for EBC Candidates. Accordingly, EBC candidates will receive these loans at a 4% interest rate. The state government has announced in the previous Rajasthan budget.
We are going to tell you all the information related to the scheme like How to apply for Rajasthan Sundar Singh Bhandari Swarojgar Yojana, details, benefits, EBC Youth Credits, Rajasthan budget, etc. If you want to know more information related to the scheme, then you have to read the article given by us.
[PDF] Rajasthan Anandam Scheme 2024: राजस्थान आनंदम योजना, Benefits for College Students
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Rajasthan Sundar Singh Bhandari Swarojgar Yojana Details
This scheme will facilitate the poor sectors of society to generate self-employment. Accordingly, the govt. will provide this loan amount will save Rs. 50,000 to about 50,000 people from EBC to create jobs.
Moreover, the state government has announced several other welfare schemes for OBC / SC / ST candidates. Moreover, CM has also announced loans amounting to Rs. 50,000 to 50,000 OBC / SC / ST candidates at a 4% interest rate under Bhairon Singh Shekhawat Antyodaya Swarojgar Yojana.
सुंदर सिंह भंडारी योजना के अंतर्गत राज्य के आर्थिक रूप से पिछड़ा वर्ग के नागरिकों को अपना खुद का स्वामित्व शुरू करने के लिए अत्यंत कम ब्याज दर पर लोन उपलब्ध है। इस योजना के तहत 4% ब्याज दर से 50,000/- रुपये की आर्थिक सहायता प्रदान की जाती है। ताकि हितग्राही अपना खुद का उद्योग शुरू कर सकें अपना और अपने परिवार का भरण पोषण कर सकें।
मुख्यमंत्री स्वरोजगार योजना के अंतर्गत कितना ऋण उपलब्ध है?
इस योजना के तहत राज्य सरकार युवाओं को आर्थिक मदद के लिए 25 लाख रुपये तक का लोन देती है. ताकि वह अपना खुद का बिजनेस या स्टार्टअप शुरू कर सके. खास बात यह है कि इस योजना का लाभ किसी भी वर्ग या समुदाय के लोग आसानी से उठा सकते हैं.
EBC Youth Credits at Sundar Singh Bhandari Swarojgar Yojana
The important features and features of this Sundar Singh Bhandari Swarojgar Scheme are as follows: –
- This scheme will provide loans to people who belong to economically backward sections/classes.
- After that, people can apply online for these loans amounting to Rs. 50,000.
- Accordingly, the state govt. will provide these loans to 50,000 EBC people.
- The interest rate on these loans is 4% per annum, which is well below normal market rates.
- Moreover, the state government made an announcement on 12th February 2018 while presenting the Rajasthan Budget.
- Moreover, for the welfare of EBC members, the government has lowered the home registry interest rate from 2% to 1% and announced various social welfare schemes.
Other EBC / Poor & EWS decisions in the Rajasthan budget
Other major announcements of the welfare of the poor include the following decisions: –
Rajasthan government will provide an interest-free loan of Rs 2 lakh for skills development thus increasing the self-employment of people from Economically Backward Classes (EBC). These include hairdressers, plumbers, rickshaws, and cobblers.
Aside from Sundar Singh Bhandari Swarojgar Yojana, the government will also launch a similar scheme under the name of the late Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat (भैरोसिंह शेखावत अंत्योदय स्वरोजगार योजना). Bhairon Singh Shekhawat Antyodaya Swarojgar Yojana will provide a loan of 50,000 rupees to 50,000 families belonging to the SC / ST / OBC class at a 4% interest rate.
The Rajasthan government announced the distribution of free scooters to 6,000 meritorious tribal girls who scored 75% or more in classes 10th and 12th.
Apart from this, the Rajasthan government has also announced a pre-and post-school scholarship under the EBC scheme with a total expense of Rs 273.50 crore. Under the EBC scheme. For more information, visit twitter.com/rajcmo, Rajasthan CMO’s official Twitter handler.
Read More:
Nirogi Yojana Rajasthan 2024 | निरोगी राजस्थान अभियान
जन सूचना पोर्टल राजस्थान शिकायत पंजीकरण @jansoochna.rajasthan.gov.in, Rajasthan Jan Soochna Portal
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